Twister was made in 1996, written by Michael Critchton and Ann-Marie Martin. Directed by Jan De Bont. A well known meteorologist, Bill Harding turns up at a weather base in search of his wife in the attempt of trying to get her to sign the divorce. However fierce tornadoes change their plans drastically, bringing the couple back together again. Bill's new girlfriend , Melissa dumps him after she realises he is getting closer and closer to Jo, and leaves for home. Jo's greatest fear are F5 tornadoes, as her dad died in one when she was younger. Towards the end of the film, one strikes, it is named Dorothy I as it's the first tornado they tried their machine on, what will she do? Watch the movie and find out!
I really enjoyed the drama and the adrenaline of this film, if you didn't pay attention for just one minute you'd be lost, which can be interpreted both ways. It was a very hands on film, you had to concentrate. I thought that it was very true to real life, as there are many places in the US that have horrendous tornado seasons, and it can be very dangerous if people like us don't start helping to warn people. Twister proved to me that things can be done to help the community, and even save lives. Also, it was a great development in technology with all that new information and those little balls being sent back to the computers. Now a days we have such advanced systems that we should be able to predict the weather so much better than we do. It's real disappointment to our reputation. I really likes the scene where, Jo and Bill were trapped between two tornadoes and didn't get hurt as they were in between the two, not in the thick of it. Which can happen, but is a rare sight for weather men and women. However one factor that I found rather irritating was that every time a tornado struck, they always got out without too many problems, that was very unreal, it would never happen in real life. You'd be lucky to escape one let alone five or six. This was tad too far fetched!!
My name is Dr. Charlie Kazinskyle, I am a training meteorologist, but have a great love for tornadoes. I have just finished university and am looking for some coaching so that I can set up my own company one day. I went to Oxford University and got various diplomas in meteorology!! It wasn't easy, but my passion for it really pushed me to do my best, and it payed off. I have been working at BBC Weather Station for a few months now and it is amazing, they are so professional and precise!! I am currently writing a book, called "The Weather's Mood Swings", which is all about changes in weather, tornadoes, storms and a short autobiography. A few close friends have proof read it ad have found it very informative and interesting, I hope the rest of the country does too.
One of the many things that I learnt from this film was that teamwork is essential if you are going to be successful. Which I will bear in mind throughout the rest of my career. Bill and Jo could never have managed to release Dorothy's balls without the rest of the team and their knowledge. Meteorologists are very intelligent and highly skilled people, I don't think people give them half as much credit that they deserve for all their hard work. The job isn't easy, trust me!!