Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
TKAM Anticipation Guide
- Every person in a court of law deserves to be defended.
I don’t think that we can assume the right to be defended should be given to every person facing the judicial system. For example, Raoul Moat, he murdered several people including his ex-girlfriend days after being released from Durham’s prison. He didn’t know most of these people; they were innocent by-standers whose lives were taken away by one unhinged man. A man, who according to this statement should have the right to be defended, if he hadn’t of committed suicide?! There is no possible excuse he could’ve given for killing all those innocent people, whatever occurred in his personal life is not a valid reason. The crime committed is very much a huge factor and to whether defence should be given. A person on trial for murder, although they acted in self-defence of course deserves the right to be defended, they didn’t set out to kill anyone, they were simply protecting themselves. However a serial killer, what possible defence could be given? A mental illness? This has become so common, blaming unnecessary murders on the mental health of the defendant, however in most cases, complete nonsense! If you’ve committed a crime of such vulgarity, at least after all you’ve done, have the guts to face the consequences of your actions.
- If you are truly innocent then you have nothing to fear from a judicial system.
The judicial system, although necessary and good in many cases, does sometimes prosecute the wrong person. For example if a group of criminals come up with a story and falsely blame another party, it’s their word against the other person’s, the voice of the majority will be heard and therefore the innocent party could be falsely prosecuted, even if they’re ‘truly innocent’, for example in the Scottsboro Trials, although the boys were in the majority and were innocent because of their race and weakened defence, the white girls were of course believed. Another counter example for this statement would be if the jury were to be bribed, or a jury selected unfairly. In such a scenario the jury could be paid a certain amount of money to fix the outcome of the trial. In recent times the judicial system has been branded as ‘corrupt’, ‘useless’ and its importance ‘fading out’. This is because when charged and sentenced to life imprisonment, if you behave, you will most likely serve a maximum of five years as there’s a shortage of prison cells. Most are thinking of the judicial system and the police as a joke nowadays, the respect once shown and trust has vanished, and rightly so.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Anticipation Guide
If a family member died for example, being able to buy a Ferrari won't replace your loss, it may take your mind off the matter but it won't make you happy. Money is essential, there's no arguing with that, however the people around you, your environment is what makes you happy, not money. Some of the wealthiest people are also some of the unhappiest as their money is ALL they have and would give anything to have someone to care for them and love them.
2. In romance looks and personality always outweigh background and social class.
It doesn't matter where you come from, how wealthy or not you are, what social class you belong to, it matters that you care about each other. For example, if you're poor and love an aristocratic lady, it shouldn't make a blind bit of difference that your backgrounds are different, if you love each other, nothing else matters. Liking someone for them, warts and all, not for their money or background is what SHOULD come before anything else.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"A Work of Art" Prediction

In Uhov, Moscow lived a 10 year old orphan, Sasha. His parents died tragically four years ago and ever since he has stayed in Uhov's Youth Hostel. The house the family once lived in stood rotting away in the distance, the candleabras that once burnt bright were now covered in dust and the floorboards cracking. It was hard to believe that the once most sought after house in the neighbourhood stood, dying.
As can be expected such a bleak event would take its toll on a boy of such young age, Sasha had good and bad days but was deemed fit to be fostered by the hostel's doctor, Dr. Ranov. Sasha lay on his bed, model train in his hand, pretending to be the driver, eye's gazing at the ceiling. Ironically the boy's love for the machines, which would be seen as the enemy for most children, was thing that took his parents away forever. The door knob twisted and with slight embarrassment Sasha woke up from his fantasy and sat up. His new potential fosters parents cautiosly entered, after the meet and greet session finished fairly well Sasha seeked the advice of 14 year old Sashkin.
"I don't know what to do!", Sasha began.
"Look, there isn't one day I don't regret turning down an opportunity to start afresh, get out of this dump, be with people who care because they want to not because it's their job!"
Their conversation was cut short as dinner was being served. Sasha had a lot to think about, at his age having a life changing decision ahead of him was overwhelmingly daunting.
Nevertheless, two months later he was settling in, in his new home away from all the gaudy interior decor and starting a new hopefully happier chapter of his life, the gratitude was evident, not everyone gets a chance like this he thought.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Anticipation Guide
I agree for example in cases such as when young children are forced to look after their disabled or ill parents, it's a burden. These children are around 11 or 12 and have to be responsible for themselves as well as another human being, who fully depends on them. These children don't have a childhood and are made to grow up very young. It's not fair on them and they shouldn't feel they have to look after their parents so young, even adults struggle coping with the responsibility of another human.
It's more acceptable for women to love their female friends than for males to love their male friends.
Men are more conscious of showing their feelings in case their pride is damaged. They may care about each other but showing it is considered 'uncool'. For women however it's considered the norm for them to greet each other with a kiss or a hug. Both care for their friends but have different ways of showing it, for women it's a lot easier as they won't be criticised or ridiculed but for men it's harder to show affection without the criticism . This isn't the same in all cultures, for example in France both men and women greet each other with a kiss. It depends on the culture but in ours, I can't see this changing.
Sometimes killing another person can be justified.
At the end of the day it's the person's choice, if they feel their life's not worth living any more, it's not your life to prolong. For example if there's no chance of recovery and the road to death involves a lot of pain, it's kinder on the person to end the suffering as they can't end it themselves. What I feel is wrong, is when the ill patient asked another person to help them to die, assisted suicide, and the person left behind is jailed for carrying out someone else's wish. They weren't a coward and did what they thought would be safer for them, they did what the patient wanted, which was respecting them. Respecting someone shouldn't end up in a prison sentence.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Someone MUST want me!

My name is Gandalf, I'm a well educated wizard in my late 60's. My life has always been so busy, I've never had time to have some fun, so now I'm looking for a young, pretty woman to fill the hole in my heart.
I have a long, grey beard that you would need to groom regularly..a tangled beard will put me in a rage. My wonderful height of 3 metres should not intimidate you, I know where you can find sturdy stilts. I am fond of honest, hard working, kind women.
The woman of my dreams should be thin, not hairy (I can't stand hairy offence Bilbo), gorgeous and a good cook. I eat at around 8pm every day so that gives you plenty of time to do the washing, ironing and cleaning before dinner.
I can not stand lazy people, or fat people for that matter (again no offence Bilbo).
Auditions will be held at Middle Earth Theatre on the 42nd of March, if you think you have what it takes to be my hunny and wish to apply contact me on:
Phone- 101-wizard
Please note: ALL goblins WILL be turned down!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Journey's End

Journey's End
by J. R. R. Tolkien
In western lands beneath the Sun
The flowers may rise in Spring,
The trees may bud, the waters run,
The merry finches sing.
Or there maybe 'tis cloudless night,
And swaying branches bear
The Elven-stars as jewels white
Amid their branching hair.
Though here at journey's end I lie
In darkness buried deep,
Beyond all towers strong and high,
Beyond all mountains steep,
Above all shadows rides the Sun
And Stars for ever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
Nor bid the Stars farewell.