Monday, February 16, 2009

Anticipation Guided Response- Shabanu!!

1.) It is possible to experience love at first sight
I disagree because you can't tell if you love someone until you get to know them and their personality. You may like the look of someone, but looks can be deceiving and when you talk to them you realise they're not for you. It has happened to a few people, but is very rare! Also the person may not be the prettiest, and you may have written them off your list straight away, but when you speak to them you realise they are a lovely person. That’s not love at first sight!!

2.) Two strangers stuck on an island together could learn to love each other.
It is practically impossible!! Basically it's the same principle as an arranged marriage. You may like spending time with that person after a while, but LOVE them, I don't think so! That person on an island with you could be anyone; you would more than likely have nothing in common. It may have worked for a few people, but personally I would much rather pick someone I had had a chance to speak to and know.

3.) It is a good thing to sacrifice your happiness for other people.
I agree because they might need to be happy more than you do in the sense that their standard of living could be much lower than yours, and it's nice to give to other people sometimes. However, I also disagree because there should be a healthy balance between giving and taking, and when it's only give, it isn’t very fair on that person. It's slightly unhealthy too, and not normal.
4.) Women in your society are free citizens.
In England now a days women can do just as much as men, they can vote in elections which was never allowed in the past. They can work, and leave their homes as and when they wish. But, I also disagree because no one is FREE, we all have to abide by laws and all have restrictions in terms of our actions. You never see female football players on television, do you? In politics, there's never really been a female Priminster, except from Margaret Thatcher. Men normally have control in households or even on as large a scale as world leaders. Women are normally left to do the dirty work and look after the child and are restricted by doing so. I think there should be an equal balance of female and male people in everything, jobs and politics and even in households. Everyone should be valued and respected, male or female!!

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