2. Nature is filled with harsh cruelties.
3. A person's priorities should place family before work.
4. Enjoying life is more important that persuing fame, glory and knowledge.
5. Those born with social and financial advantages have a responsibility for those who are not.
6. Ignorance is bliss.
7. The persuit of knowledge is a volatile quest.
8. Someone's ego will cause a tragic fall.
9. Children learn their behaviour by watching and mimicking adults.
10. Most people are basically cruel.
11. The "disunfranchised man" who finds himself unable to live with society for whatever reason, is someone for whom we should feel sympathy or reverance.
12. Society makes a person whatever he becomes.
13. Rejection and mistreatment can manifest themselves in a person becoming rage-filled.
14. If a person or an animal is treated with cruelty, he will respond to others in the same way.
15. Those people we deem "monsters" in today's society are merely misunderstood.
16. The greatest burden a person can carry is living with the knowledge of his wrong doings andthat they were preventable.
In Depth:
13. Rejection an

There's only so much a person can take of being pushed away time and time again before it begins to take its toll. Someone who as a young child is rejected time and time again, combined with other factors, will as an adult, cause the slightest thing to anger them. This isn't simply having a short temper, it's taking out the feelings you've bottled up for years towards things you were never shown or given as a child. For example, as a young boy, a mutual friend was sidelined and as the years went by the rage grew from simply being dismissed and it's heartbreaking to see someone who has so much potential being held back because of the anger they're now saddled with through no fault of their own.
3. A person's priorities sho

The common arguement for placing work before family is that without money, the family would crumble. Providing for your family is necessary, however if you sideline them all too often there won't be a family left to provide for. It's a fine line. For example a person should not be so enravelled in their work life that they neglect their family's. Missing birthdays or important events is a common sacrifice made by workers, but if a person were to attend those events lee-way would be given for future work commitments. Thinking of your family and their needs should come to mind first before agreeing to various work commitments.
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